Solutions for Digital Transformation
General – Document Manangement
Document management is the process of storing, locating, updating, and sharing data for the purpose of workflow progression and business outcomes. Centralized sharing and data storage within specific servers help organizations access information efficiently and effectively, along with securing protected data. Programs and servers are used in the process of document management. Important metadata is centralized, as opposed to decentralized or difficult to locate.
Industry-leading features
- Fast search – both “full text” file contents and metadata
- Secure, metadata-driven user access permissions
- Check-in/check-out with audit trail
- Version management
- Workflow with email notifications
- Fast offline use and remote/mobile access
- Support for scanned paper documents and email
- Web interface
- Robust integration for BackOffice system
- Rich scripting capabilities and a complete Application Programming Interface (API).
Purchase Invoice Automation
Invoices are delivered to different people in different departments or even in different business locations across an organization. Employees spend a significant amount of time processing them. Digital invoice management helps significantly reduce the time, cost, risk and complexity of this process. Purchase Invoices are captured and classified automatically and passed on to the correct employee in a workflow, giving you better control over your accounts payable cycle and ensuring that no invoices are forgotten.